

Tittibhasana is an arm balancing asana that demands strength and perseverance. The name comes from the Sanskrit tittibha, meaning “fly” or “insect,” and asana, meaning “pose.”

To enter this asana, squat with the feet a little less than shoulder-width apart. Tilt the pelvis forward so the torso is between the legs. Lift the pelvis to knee height by straightening the legs. Bring the upper arms and shoulders under the backs of the thighs and above the knees to place the hands on the floor at the outer edge of the feet. With the hands and arms strong, lift off the floor and extend the legs, straightening both the legs and the arms.

Tittibhasana is also called firefly pose in English.

Practicing tittibhasana requires a lot of strength and focus. But there are a number of physical rewards for doing so as this asana strengthens the wrists and arms, tones abdominal organs, and greatly develops core strength.

Some of the mental benefits of tittibhasana include:

  • Calms the mind
  • Promotes sense of balance
  • Relieves stress

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